Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy Your Life

I support the Occupy movement. Period. It's about taking our world back, one person, one community at a time, not with violence but rather with awareness, intelligence, ethics and hope - hope that a grassroots movement can catch on. But for a groundswell of change to catch on, a lot of eyes have to be opened, a lot of minds changed.

A good way to start the process for yourself is with Douglas Rushkoff's book, Life, Inc. It will give you a succinct (but never simplistic) history of how corporatism came to take over the world, and indeed our lives.

If you want an intelligent, informed understanding of what has really prompted and propelled the Occupy movement and why it is so important right now, then please read this book, if you haven't already. If you have, pass it on. Tell others. This book is not a rant, not a diatribe. It is a passionate yet reasoned summary that tells us why we must be very worried and why, in many ways, it might already be too late.

But despair is not an option. To Occupy the World we must first Occupy our Minds and by Occupying our Minds, we begin to take back Our Lives.

One enlightened, defiant person at a time.

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